Welcome to Prairie Star
Productions Midwest Re-Enactors Casting Data Base (MRCD). The
purpose of this data base is to provide talented Historical
Re-enactors and Interpreters from all periods for various film,
television, commercial productions and historical events and
appearances. The MRCD primarily represents historical
actors from the MidWest, but also represents re-enactors from
all across the country and many of our actors are willing to
travel to most locations.
If you are a production company, casting agency, independent
film maker or other interested entity and would like to hire one
of our Historical Re-Enactors for your production or event,
please call our casting office at 630-707-8846 to discuss your
productions needs. Our office is centrally located in the
MidWest, just outside of Chicago, Illinois.
For more details and photos of some our re-enactors visit
Producer & Agents Page.
If you are a Historical
Re-Enactor and would like to register for our data base, please
visit the Re-Enactors Page and
register with the downloadable pdf registration forms.